Just a trick of the eye?

Sometimes in the darkness, I think I see you.
A faint brightness in the distance,
a sharp contrast to the blackness.
I call after you, but there's no answer.
Did you hear me and hurry on?
Or were you never there to begin with?
Sometimes in the darkness, I think I see you.
A faint brightness in the distance,
a sharp contrast to the black surroundings.
I hesitate, my heart beating faster.
Is it you, or am I imagining things?

When I can breathe again, I call after you.
But there's no answer.
Did you hear me and hurry on?
Or were you never there to begin with?

When the light fades,
and the darkness tightens.
I call your name again,
just to break the silence,
before I move on.

Postat av: Ursprunget

Du har gåvan att skriva vackert, även om inspirationen bara kommer vid enstaka tillfällen. Just nu är du tydligen inne i ett visst tillfälle och det bara kommer vackra meningar. Förstår dina dikter.

2009-09-28 @ 18:52:31

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